Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chia Seeds Pudding

Hello Friends,

After a long time, today I am doing a food post. I have recently come across this amazing “super food” (as people are calling it) called Chia Seeds. The seeds are really tiny, even smaller than Sesame Seeds. Click the link to get more details about the seeds.

1 ounce (28 g) or 2 tablespoons of these seeds give your approximately 137 Calories in energy and most of it upto 72 calories are fat calories. But, don’t be alarmed, it is one of the best known sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for a vegetarian/vegan and even meat lovers. Because you get 4915 mg meaning approximately 5 g (grams) of Omega-3 Fatty Acids from one serving of Chia Seeds, which is basically 1 ounce (28 g) or 2 tablespoons, whereas the recommendation is only 3 g. So, you get all your daily intake of this nutrient with just 2 tbsp of Chia Seeds. In addition, you get about 4.5 g of Protein along with 10 g of fiber and a bit of Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, Zinc, Copper and Manganese. Wow, no doubt, they call it “super food”.

Now, let’s see how to take it. It is in seeds form in its raw state. Once it is added to water or any liquid, it swells up and soaks all the water & liquid (up to 10 times its size) and forms a gel like consistency. It has very slight nutty flavor, but very subtle, I could never tell really.
In my house, we have started adding it to our juices and they become nice and jello like (of course depends on how much juice and how much chia seeds) and enjoy it.

In the course of time, I will bring many recipes of this ingredient as I experiment with it. For now, here is a recipe we tried and had it last week. Real simple to make and can be used as a great breakfast or snack or dessert. We used it for dessert :)

Chia Seeds Pudding

Chia Seeds – 4 tbsp
Nut Milk – 1 ¼ cups (I used Almond Milk, you can use any, due to Chia Seeds’ nutty flavor, they say it works well with nut milk, but you can surely use regular milk too with same results)
Honey – 1-2 tbsp honey (adjust it to your taste)
Cinnamon – ½ tsp
  • Mix everything together and shake it well (with just a spoon) so that everything is well blended.
  • Let it soak for at least 30 min to an hour before consuming. I had left it overnight.
  • Chill it as it tastes better cold.

Serve it chilled. It is just that simple. The quantity that will be made is 2-3 servings (depending on your serving size) and approximately 125 calories per serving (for 3 servings). 

Isn't that a great healthy dessert that gives you so much nutrition?

This is my contribution to Healthy Me & Healthy US event that I am hosting this month.

Take Care till next post,


Julie said...

looks interesting pudding,haven't tried this!!
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Ms.Chitchat said...

Nice post,but still unable to understand what seed it is, can you explain further or enlarge the seed and post please?

Unknown said...

Sounds interesting..

Archana said...

Looks so delicious. I always used them in milkshakes only. Will try this out.

divya said...

yummy dish ,too tempting!!

AJ said...

Priya I use chia seeds a lot!! Your pudding looks tasty.

themustardseed said...

I have been seeing and reading about the nutritive value of chia seeds but have not yet used them. Your recipe is prompting me to try the super food!

themustardseed said...

I have been seeing and reading about the nutritive value of chia seeds but have not yet used them. Your recipe is prompting me to try the super food! said...

Healthy and easy recipe..thanks for sharing dear...

Discovery Journeys India said...

Truly amazing post! It is really very exciting and useful. Keep more up-dates. Kashmir Houseboats trip in very awesome trip tour for guest.

Malar Gandhi said...

Looks and sounds interesting to me...good innovative dish.

Sunil Menon said...

Where do I get Chia seeds in India? I am from Hyderabad. Any stores that stock Chia seeds?

Sunil Menon said...

Where do I get Chia seeds in India? I am currently staying in Hyderabad. Any stores that stock Chia seeds?

Unknown said...

Hello Sunil, Thanks for your comments. I am pretty sure these days you get almost everything in India super stores. I am not sure on exact location as I don't live in India, but, I would recommend you to go to one of the big super stores and ask someone. I am sure they will be helpful. Please do let me know when you get to try it out.

Anonymous said...

what it called in Hindi or in marathi?

Anonymous said...

what it called in Hindi or marathi?

Unknown said...

Subdir, I am not sure what it is called in Hindi. It is of South American origin. I have heard some people call it "Sabja Seeds", but I am not so sure if they are same. Sorry for being not very helpful.

Unknown said...

Can u plzzzzz tell me the supplier of Chia seeds in India...???
I am in urgent need of these seeds.....

Unknown said...

Where can I get Chia Seeds in India....??? Plzzzzz Tell me... i am in Urgent need of these seeds...

Unknown said...

Really interesting to read this blogg
chia seeds

ajaydamraliya said...

Its great !

Thank you very much for sharing !

Thanks & Regards,

Greetings Everyday

ajaydamraliya said...

Its great !

Thank you very much for sharing !

Thanks & Regards,

Greetings Everyday


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