
Friday, October 26, 2012

Long Awaiting Roundup of MLLA # 47

Hello Everyone after ages,

I have to start my post by my sincerest apologies to everyone, but especially Susan, the creator of MLLA event. She was so sweet to allow me to host this event for the 2nd time. But, I was in some kind of zone and did not even look @ my blog for last 5 months. Susan, hope you forgive me and will still be kind enough to let me host this in some future month. And, my dear readers, I hope you too will forgive me and still participate in all my future events and encourage me on my posts regularly as you used to a few months ago.

I don't even know where to begin. It seems as if I was in what I have heard my other fellow bloggers call sometime a "mental block" or a "blogger's block". But, believe it was more than that. It has been about 6 or so months, that I have not even tried cooking anything special @ home. I don't know why, but I just don't feel like it. It is not that I am depressed or unhappy in my life. Thankfully, by HIS grace, all is well. But, my interest in cooking seems to have taken a toll and I sincerely hope that with fast approaching Holiday season and in new year, I will get back on track and try to be more creative and be involved. And, I hope and pray that all my wonderful and kind readers will encourage me come out of this "block".

Now, coming to the main reason of this post, which is to do a round-up of all the wonderful entries that I received for MLLA # 47, which I hosted in the month of April 2012. This event simply never stops to amaze me. It has been over 4 years since it started and we still get so many new entries every month. Kudos to everyone who participates and more over, three cheers for Susan for all the effort and thought she puts into creating a new logo every month and with prizes, drawings, etc. Susan, you rock !!!

Thanks once again to all the fellow bloggers, who sent their delicious entries for this event. Below is the roundup. Please do let me know if i missed any entry and I will update it right away.

Claire McCulloch from Chez Cayenne sent Baked Samosas with Chickpeas

Harini from Tamalapaku sent Chana Dal Dosa

Victoria Challancin from Flavors of the Sun sent Warm Chickpea Salad

Here is last but not the least entry from me - Til Moongfali ki Chutney (Sesame Seeds and Peanuts Chutney)

Now, the best part of all, the Prizes.
  1. The Complete Book of Pasta - Cook's Illustrated. This prize is offered by Susan without influence at her expense, and she will also absorb worldwide shipping charges.  F.T.C. Notice: Susan does not receive any compensation from Amazon. 
  2. Hurst Bean Box - A case of six bags of the winner's choice of Hurst Bean products, suitable for every diet, sponsored by Hurst Bean. (Due to shipping restrictions, this prize can only be awarded if the winner is a U.S. resident.) F.T.C. Notice: In May 2010, Susan, at her request, received two Hurst Bean complimentary products which are not available for purchase in her local markets. Susan does not generally accept free products from Hurst Bean nor is she financially compensated by them.
  3. Drawing Structure - If the winner is a U.S. resident, she/he will be the recipient of both Prizes 1 and 2 above.  In the event that an international winner is drawn, a second drawing will be conducted from the U.S. pool of entrants to ensure that the Hurst Prize is awarded every month.  In these instances, the international winner will receive the book, and the U.S. winner will receive the Hurst Prize. 
So, DRUM ROLLS please :)

Claire McCulloch from Chez Cayenne is the proud winner of both the prizes. Congratulations Claire. Susan will contact you soon.

That's all for now and hope to come back soon with new posts.


  1. welcome back !! looking fwd to more

  2. Hey Priya,
    Don't know whether you would believe me or not but yesterday I just recalled you and came to your blog to see where did u disappear and today suddenly I find you up like this. :)
    I can understand what you went through; happens with almost everyone, esp. after rigorous and exerting cooking sessions for long that take all your energy away and then u need a break to get over. I'm glad u r back; we all missed you sweetie. :)
    Happy Blogging!!

    Ongoing Event: Cooking Made Easy With Cheese/Paneer

  3. Thank you so much, Priya, for the roundup: so many lovely dishes, it's hard to decide where to start. And congratulations to Claire!

  4. Nice round up!!!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  5. Very Nice Blog. If possible please have a look to my cooking website too and provide your comments.

  6. Hi Priya,

    Glad to have you back as I was missing your comments on my post. :) I totally know what you went or still going through as I myself took a sabbatical from cooking/ baking & blogging for a whole year. Though I had a very specific reason for it, I was preggers & couldn't stand kitchen for most part & then didn't have the stamina.. To cut a long story short, it happens to all of us & you will be back with a bang!
